CITS3002 Computer Networks |
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Polynomial Codes, continuedWhat types of errors can (and cannot) be detected with CRCs?
Let the error bits in Tarrived(x) be E(x).
Each bit in E(x) corresponds to a bit that has been inverted.
Then, due to the properties of the Modulo-2 arithmetic: (T(x) + E(x)) / G(x) = (T(x) / G(x)) + (E(x) / G(x)) = 0 + (E(x) / G(x)) We notice that if G(x) divides E(x) (because G(x) is a factor of E(x)), then errors can go by undetected. Some important results:
CITS3002 Computer Networks, Lecture 2, The Physical Layer, Errors detection and correction, p16, 6th March 2024.