CITS3002 Computer Networks  
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Some basic networking definitions

  • A computer network is an interconnected collection of autonomous computers.

  • Computers are interconnected if they are capable of exchanging information. The connections can be over copper wire, radio frequencies, optical fibre, infra-red, satellite, microwaves, pigeons, barbed wire, wet string, a station wagon, or a sequence of these.

  • Computers are autonomous if there is not a permanent master/slave relationship between them. Hence, a mainframe computer and its traditional peripherals do not constitute a computer network, but a desktop computer able to interogate a more modern printer does.


Physically, a network is the computers and physical media connecting them.

Logically (and more interesting and relevant, here), a network is the software which connects and secures the computers their data, and services.


This unit focuses on computer networking software and its support by operating systems and programming languages.
We will not focus on the physical or transmission properties of the many types of physical media.

CITS3002 Computer Networks, Lecture 1, Introduction to Computer Networks, p3, 28th February 2024.