cnet v4.0.4  

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Simulation attributes

A large number of attributes define and constrain the execution of the whole simulation. Naturally, depending on the types of nodes and links being simulated, some combinations of nodes, links, and attributes may not be defined because they make no sense.

Has an Application Layer - -
May receive keyboard input - -
May have LT_WAN links - -
May have LT_LAN links -
May have LT_WLAN links
Has a battery power source - - -
May move on simulation map - - -

Calls to cnet's API for inappropriate combinations of nodes and links, will consistently return the value -1 and set the value of cnet_errno to ER_NOTSUPPORTED.

A few attribute names have a number of (undocumented) synonyms. For example, both rebootargs and rebootargv specify the same attribute. Support for these synonyms is simply designed to provide greater readability of your topology files. They do not introduce any ambiguity.

Global attributes

Global attributes are defined in the topology file and define and constrain the execution of the whole simulation. They may not be redefined on a per-node or per-link basis. The global attributes are not accessible to the protocol's C code at runtime.

Global attribute datatype explanation example
drawlinks Boolean draw the links and propagation signals on the simulation map. drawlinks = false
drawnodes Boolean draw the node icons on the simulation map. drawnodes = true
extension string provides the name of an extension module whose code and data will be shared amongst all nodes. A toplogy file may specify multiple extension modules. extension = "statistics.c"
mapcolour string provides the name of the background colour of the simulation's main window. mapcolour = "wheat"
mapgrid integer provides the lengths of the sides of squares to be drawn on the simulation's main window. mapgrid = 50
mapheight integer specifies the height of the simulation map in metres. mapheight = 4.0.4/td>
maphex integer provides the lengths of the sides of hexagons to be drawn on the simulation's main window. maphex = 40
mapimage string provides the name of a GIF-format image file to be centered on the simulation's main window. The image file is sought via the CNETPATH environment variable if necessary. mapimage = "australia.png"
mapmargin integer indicates the width and height, in pixels, surrounding the simulation's main window. mapmargin = 20
mapscale floatingpoint indicates how many real-world metres are represented by one pixel on the simulation's main window. mapscale = 0.5
maptile string provides the name of a GIF-format image file to be tiled on the simulation's main window. The image file is sought via the CNETPATH environment variable if necessary. maptile = "grass.png"
mapwidth floatingpoint specifies the width of the simulation map in metres. mapwidth = 600m
positionerror integer requests that a error is introduced in a node's reported position when calling CNET_get_position. Errors are uniformly distributed in a circle around a node's true position. positionerror = 20m
showcostperbyte Boolean requests that each link's costperbyte attribute value be displayed on the simulation's main window over each link. The use of showcostperframe overrides that of showcostperbyte. showcostperbyte = false
showcostperframe Boolean requests that each link's costperframe attribute value be displayed on the simulation's main window over each link. The use of showcostperframe overrides that of showcostperbyte. showcostperframe = true
tracefile string requests that the execution trace be mirrored in the named file when the -t option is given. Warning - trace files can grow very large (to several megabytes), very quickly. tracefile = "badtrace.txt"

Node attributes

Node attributes may be defined globally, to define the default attributes of every node, or defined locally, within the definition of each node, to override the default attributes for just that node.

A special type of named node attribute, preceded by the var keyword, enables nodes to access (at runtime, by calling CNET_getvar) arbitrary string values defined in topology files. Like all node attributes, these may be defined globally or within any node's definition. For example:

var beacon_freq = "1024" var mobility_style = "Manhattan"

Node attribute datatype explanation example
address integer the unique network address of each node address = 238
compile string a compilation string to declare the sourcefile names containing the protocols for each node (locally overrides the -C option) compile = "protocol.c stats.c -lm"
icontitle string specifies the string to appear under each node's icon on the GUI.
The following formatting substitutions may be requested:

%anode's address as an integer
%dnode's number
%Inode's address in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation
%nnode's name
icontitle = "%d - %n"
messagerate time the rate at which the Application Layer can generate new messages for delivery messagerate = 10000usecs
messagerate = 2s
minmessagesize bytes the minimum size of messages generated by the Application Layer minmessagesize = 100bytes
minmessagesize = 4KB
maxmessagesize bytes the maximum size of messages generated by the Application Layer (bounded by MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE) maxmessagesize = 200bytes
maxmessagesize = 8KB
nodemtbf time the expected time between node hardware failures nodemtbf = 60000s
nodemtbf = 1000s
nodemttr time the expected time taken to repair a hardware failure nodemttr = 5000s
nodemttr = 100s
outputfile string a file into which a node's printf output is mirrored.
The following formatting substitutions may be requested:

%anode's address as an integer
%dnode's number
%Inode's address in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation
%nnode's name
outputfile = "output.%n"
rebootargs string provide one or more white-space separated command-line arguments to be passed to the node's EV_REBOOT handler. (locally overrides any arguments passed on cnet's own command-line) rebootargs = "-fast -nostats"
rebootfunc string the C function to call when the node reboots (locally overrides the -R option) rebootfunc = "reboot_function"
trace Boolean a Boolean indicating if event tracing is required (overrides the -t option on a per-node basis) trace = true
winopen Boolean Boolean attribute requesting that a node's window be opened on startup winopen = false
winx, winy integer screen coordinates of the node's window winx = 100, winy = 200
x, y integer coordinates of either the centre of a node's icon, or the left-hand end of an Ethernet segment on the main window x = 80, y = 120

Link attributes

Link attributes may be defined globally, to define the default attributes of each link, or defined locally, within the definition of each link, to override the default attributes for just that link.

cnet supports three different types of physical links - LT_WAN, LT_LAN, and LT_WLAN. We thus need to specify the link type for which we are setting an attribute. There are many more link attributes than node attributes - for example all of wan-bandwidth, lan-bandwidth, and wlan-bandwidth are recognized and set the attribute for the appropriate link type. If an attribute name is not prefixed with one of the link link types, then a wan- attribute is assumed (maintaining backwards compatability with older versions of cnet).

While defining attributes locally for a particular link type, only the attributes appropriate for that link type may be set. For example, the attribute wan-bandwidth may not appear inside the definition of a LAN link.

Some link attribute names are only meaningful for specific link types, and they are explicitly listed in the following table.

Link attribute datatype explanation example
bandwidth integer the full-duplex bandwidth along a link bandwidth = 10Mbps
bandwidth = 56Kbps
buffered Boolean whether the link's NIC buffers frames ready to be transmitted buffered = false
costperbyte integer the cost per byte along this link costperbyte = 1
costperframe integer the cost per frame along this link costperframe = 5
jitter time the random transmission jitter on WAN, LAN, and WLAN links wan-jitter = 5usec
lan-slottime time the interframe timing gap for LAN links lan-slottime = 52usec
linkmtbf time the expected time between link hardware failures linkmtbf = 60000s
linkmtbf = 1000s
linkmttr time the expected time taken to repair a link hardware failure linkmttr = 5000s
linkmttr = 100s
mtu integer the maximum number of bytes that may be written to the link in a single write mtu = 1000bytes
probframecorrupt probability the probability that a frame on this link will be corrupted probframecorrupt = 3
probframeloss probability the probability that a frame on this link will be lost altogether probframeloss = 4
propagationdelay time the propagation delay along a link propagationdelay = 200usecs
propagationdelay = 1s
wlan-frequency floatingpoint the frequency of transmission of this wireless link wlan-frequency = 2.4GHz
wlan-rxantennagain floatingpoint the power gain of a link's antenna while receiving a signal wlan-rxantennagain = 2.8dBm
wlan-rxcableloss floatingpoint the power lost by a link while transfering a received signal wlan-rxcableloss = 1.0dBm
wlan-rxsensitivity floatingpoint the minimum signal strength required so that a link can "hear" that signal wlan-rxsensitivity = -75.0dBm
wlan-rxsignaltonoise floatingpoint the ratio of a signal's strength to that of the background noise required so that a link can separate the signal from the noise wlan-rxsignaltonoise = 12.0dBm
wlan-txantennagain floatingpoint the power gain of a link's antenna while transmitting a signal wlan-txantennagain = 2.8dBm
wlan-txcableloss floatingpoint the power lost by a link while transfering a transmitted signal wlan-txcableloss = 1.0dBm
wlan-txpower floatingpoint the initial power used by a link to transmit a signal wlan-txpower = 15.0dBm
wlan-sleepcurrent floatingpoint the current drawn by a wireless link in the sleep state wlan-sleepcurrent = 20.0mA
wlan-idlecurrent floatingpoint the current drawn by a wireless link in idle state wlan-idlecurrent = 150.0mA
wlan-rxcurrent floatingpoint the current drawn by a wireless link in the receive state wlan-rxcurrent = 200.0mA
wlan-txcurrent floatingpoint the current drawn by a wireless link in the transmit state wlan-txcurrent = 300.0mA

cnet v4.0.4 - [email protected]