Sound Meter Data Visualisation

Project Objective: Extract readings from a network connected sound meter and display the information in a visually meaningful form for a user to view on a desktop computer.

Project Background: Noise levels in work environments is a major factor on fatigue. Most sound meters are standalone, calibrated devices with no way of extracting the information. Some sound meters have the ability to pull the data from them, but to a regular person, sound readings (dBA, dBC) are not meaningful. Providing a visually meaningful format to convey the information will make the data more meaningful to users.

Customer Provided Equipment: Class 1 sound meter with wireless capability


Contact: Ben Hicks or Rebecca Waters
Phone: Ben:0439 951 038 Rebecca: 0438 046 495
Email[email protected]
Preferred contact: Email
Location: West Leederville, Perth

IP Exploitation Model

The IP exploitation model requested by the Client is: IP to be assigned to the project proposer(s)

Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering
The University of Western Australia
Last modified: 09 July 2021
Modified By: Michael Wise