Experience Centre Controller

Project Objective: Control lights, sound, 3 displays and 5 work stations via a tablet UX within a space designed for demonstrating technology.

Project Background: Thales has an existing experience centre with 5 work stations, 1 video wall, 2 displays and network connected sound and lighting. The Current UI controller is a tablet application that could be improved with some UI/UX design and flair.
The task is to create a new application for the Surface tablet that is intuitive and quick to access various configurations of the rooms.
For instance, the work stations can host a variety of VMs, that are hosted separately. When a particular demo is required, a single click will load all 5 VMs in the work station configuration like maybe a control room and the demo can occur.
Extensions to this project would be controlling other IoT devices, or even a drone to fly in the room.

Customer Provided Equipment:


Contact: Ben Hicks or Rebecca Waters
Phone: Ben: 0439 951 038 Rebecca: 0438 046 495
Email[email protected]
Preferred contact: Email
Location: West Leederville, Perth

IP Exploitation Model

The IP exploitation model requested by the Client is: IP to be assigned to the project proposer(s)

Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering
The University of Western Australia
Last modified: 09 July 2021
Modified By: Michael Wise