Software Development for the Pit Market Game in Economics Teaching

I would like to propose software development of a game known as the Pit Market Game (PMG). The PMG has been used quite extensively in the classroom to teach the supply and demand market model in economics, at the high school and university level. A description of the PMG by Holt (1996) can be found here.

The shift in higher education towards online teaching means that the traditional method of playing the PMG, which involves the use of playing cards (or the like) with trading being conducted face to face, is less desirable. Hence, the development of a web- and/or app-based interface which can facilitate the playing of this game would be desirable.


Contact Person: Ian Li
Telephone: (03) 83442109
Email: [email protected]
Preferred method of contact: Email/phone/Skype

Client Unavailability


IP Exploitation Model

The client wishes to use a Creative Commons CC BY-NC model to deal with IP embodied in the project.