Graphical Version of the Stable Isotope Hydrocalculator

We designed Hydrocalculator software for calculation of evaporative losses from a water body based on the Craig-Gordon stable isotope model (please see the links with software and a brief Powerpoint presentation). The software was originally written in C# and the online version in Macromedia Flush. The next step, which we are hoping could be a student project, is a more graphical version of the current software. It could be an addition to the existing C# code as a separate window in the current software or as self-standing version for online publication.

Each of the input parameters which can modified in the model (temperature, humidity, composition of vapours etc.), should be displayed in a form of a picture/window which can be modified with a mouse. The computation outcome should be constantly displayed in a form of a graph showing how the change of parameters influences the final result expressed as fraction of water evaporated from original volume.


Contact Person: Greg Skrzypek
Telephone: 4584
Email: [email protected]
Preferred method of contact: phone or email
Location: School of Plant Biology, Botany Bld/UWA

IP Exploitation Model

The client wishes to use a Creative Commons CC BY-NC model to deal with IP embodied in the project.