CITS3200 Project

Marking Criteria for Deliverable D

The marking sheet to be used in assessing Deliverable D - your Group presentations may be found here. The reason for producing this sheet for you is that you will be doing the marking! As you will see when you look at the sheet, each Group's talk will be marked out of 40, with marks being awarded for the presentation style, presentation content and for the ability demonstrated by the Group in handling questions.

The average mark from those who attended a talk, moderated by a mark awarded by the coordinator, will then be the mark for the Group (scaled to 10%). However, in order for you to get the full mark awarded to your Group you must attend at least 50% of the talks; otherwise you will get 50% of the Group mark.

School of Computer Science & Software Engineering
The University of Western Australia

Last modified: June 30 2015

Modified By: Michael J Wise