import CITS2200.*; // // // // This class is used to test and impolementation of the interface Path, // // Created by tim on 14/03/06. // All rights reserved. // public class PathTest{ /** *This runs the Prim algorithm algorithms. The algorithm can either be *run over a random graph, or a graph specified from a file. *To specify a graph from a file use *usage: java PathTest F [filename] [startVertex] *where filename is the name of the file and startVertex *is the index of the vertex on which to start the . *To use a random graph, use * java PathTest R [numberOfVertices] [density] [maxweight] *where number of vertices is an int specifying *the number of vertices, density is a double between *0 and 1 specifying the the density of the graph and * maxweight is an integer representing the maximum possible edge weight. The random *graphs will always start at vertex 0. **/ public static void main(String[] args){ Graph g; if(args.length == 3 && args[0].equals("F")){ try{ g = Graph.readFile(args[1], true, false); output(g, Integer.parseInt(args[2])); }catch(Exception e){usage();} } else if(args.length == 4 && args[0].equals("R")){ g = Graph.randomWeightedGraph(Integer.parseInt(args[1]), false, Double.parseDouble(args[2]), Integer.parseInt(args[3])); output(g, 0); } else usage(); } /** Prints results of methods**/ private static void output(Graph g, int v){ Path alg = new PathImp(); int w = alg.getMinSpanningTree(g); System.out.println("Input Graph (adjacency matrix)"); System.out.println(g.toString()); System.out.println("total weight: " + w); int[] d = alg.getShortestPaths(g,v); System.out.println("Shortest paths from "+ v); if(d!= null){ for(int i = 0;i